Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Final Debate

As soon as the final debate begins, we can see that both candidates appeal to character by wearing a pin of the flag of the United States. Another example of how they appealed ethos by appearance was that Obama´s tie was blue while Romney wore one that was mostly red.  As we all know red stands for the Republicans and blue for the Democrats. Another touch I noticed on Obama was the purple bracelet that stands up for women’s cancer. They haven’t even started talking when they were all ready using ethos.  They both have very good arguments, but still Obama seemed to be taking control of the debate. Romney stutters and mumbles while he talks since Obama is constantly attacking him. Obama states that his “job as a commander in chief is to keep the American people safe” and by saying this he is appealing to pathos. He is establishing a kind of relationship with the audience: giving confidence and safety to the citizens.

Logos are seen a lot through out the debate. One example is when Obama goes against Romney when he started defending the military budget. Obama came right back to him giving shocking facts about how the US spends more on the military than the combined military expenditures of the ten countries that follow the US. With this comeback, which is actually a fact, the audience tends to lean more over Obamas side.

Through out the debate I realized that they mostly talked in present, using pathos. This way they could appeal more to values and manipulate their audience in an easier way. They have it very clear that the more they appeal to their audience emotions, the more votes they are going to get. Still, on their closing statement they both talked in a forensic and demonstrative way: talking about the future. “You now have heard three debates, months of campaigning, and way too many commercials on TV. I want to build on our strengths. And I've put forward a plan to make sure that we're bringing manufacturing jobs back to our shores by rewarding companies and small businesses that are investing here, not overseas," Obama said. We can see how he used pathos and ethos to appeal to the audience. He uses both so that the citizens feel that they have a choice, but that his choice is stronger and better looking than the one from Romney. 

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