Monday, March 18, 2013

The Paradox of Life

The truth is that our lives are based on controversies. Chapters O, P, and Q deal with arguments that create doubt between the readers. Such arguments that I personally use on a daily basis are: “pause not,” “lets agree to disagree,” and “perhaps not.” Without even realizing it we are holding two opposite ideas in just one statement. Just as Shields states, “Something can be true and untrue at the same time” (135). We should all have the ability to deal with two contradictory ideas at once. The truth is that we handle this ability everyday. In my opinion the reality is paradoxical. What might seem to be real for me, might not be for others. We all have a different point of view towards reality. Reality cant be created by just one person. In order for something to be real it has to have some contradictions. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be credible.

Another antithetical statement that I found was when Shields states, “We´re only certain (´certain only´?) about what we don’t understand” (138). He has a really good point here. Most of the times we are 100% sure that we don’t know something (like the solution for a math problem) yet, we can be doubt our knowledge about the stuff that we do know.
Lastly, this statement caught my attention: “When we are not sure, we are alive” (139). I completely agree with this statement. As long as we are feeling something, even if its uncertainty, it means that we are still capable to feel and think. Meaning that we are alive. Once we are not aware of feeling lost and doubtful, well, I guess it means that we are dead. 

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