I completely agree with you. I should have
explained more what Downton Abby is
because not everyone has heard of it. At
the same time I should have made my thesis clearer and maybe only focus on the
anachronisms and not so much on the different dialects. I guess this part might
confuse some people. I now realize that transitional phrases can be really
useful to connect all of my ideas. Not only will it help me improve the
structure of my essay, but it will also become easier to read and understand. I guess my
first paragraph on page 4 was a little rushed and I’m sure I could have talked
more about the African-American influence. On the other hand my mistakes on the
citations were avoidable! Paying closer attention to the correct worked
citation might have helped improve my paper.
I really appreciate your feedback, as well
as your comments in person! Thank you!!
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