Monday, November 5, 2012

Deductive Logic

Deduction: “Deductive logic applies a general principle to a particular matter. Rhetorical deduction uses a commonplace to to reach a conclusion, interpreting the circumstances through a lens of beliefs and values” (133).

Enthyme: “We should [choice], because [commonplace]” (133).

Induction: “In rethoric, induction is argument by example. This kind of logic starts with the specific and moves to the general” (133).

Fact, Comparison, Story: “These are the three kinds of examples to use in inductive logic” (133).

After reading this chapter and understanding the tools I realized that we are all tricked on our everyday life. Still, we are being tricked without even noticing. Now a days when I want to go to a party I tell my parents that ALL of my friends are going (bad logic) and my dad always respond so “If all of your friends jumped off a bridge would you do it too?” It took me a few months to realize that using that bad logic was causing me too lose my arguments. It´s until now, a year later that I have learned to managed my father. This book has actually being very helpful on learning how to win the arguments with my parents, without them noticing it.

Also I was able to relate this chapter with a huge problem teenage girls have now a days. We, girls, have the idea that all women are supposed to be beautiful. A lot of companies use this deductive logic to sell their product.
“This product makes the actress beautiful,
you want to be like her,
then you should buy our product.”
It is a really good technique to sell the product, but it causes the girls to become insecure of themselves. Girls are trying to achieve being like all the models instead of accepting how they are. A good example is this video from Cover Girl.

Taylor Swift is a role model for many teenagers and this commercial makes many believe that by using the make up from cover girl, they would become as beautiful as her. When in reality we now that’s never going to happen. 

1 comment:

  1. I am starting to use this book to argue with my parents too, but unfortunately for me, they have seen the book lying around. Sometimes I do get a chance to use the techniques in the book without them realizing. Also, that is a big problem with teenagers around the world, thinking since their role model uses this make-up, they should too. However that is not true.
